

The Art of BE-ing is a collection of my own personal insights and experiences, along with words of wisdom shared by others in their pursuit of wellbeing. It’s a way to reflect, to ponder, to stay curious, to feel, explore, to grow, and to play in this wonderful arena of Life. The Art of BE-ing, where our inner landscape truly reveals our scenery in our external environment.

The Art of Gratitude

Being truly grateful for everything in your life starts from a deep sense of love, living from your heart, which ripples out and is felt around us. Being grateful for your body is by the nutrition you nourish it with, the balance of physical work or play with rest and relaxation. Grateful for loved ones past and present. Grateful for the support from family, friends and the community you surround yourself with.  Grateful for stepping into vulnerability to find the courage. Grateful to have mutually honest and respectful relationships. Being grateful for our health to experience even the simple things in life to its fullest. Grateful for our freedom, self-respect and self-directed guidance as we walk our life journey.  

When life however presents challenges, seeing those challenges as gifts directs us to reflect with gratitude.  These challenges or obstacles become our opportunities. A gift to realize our honest growth to learn,  or steer us towards something better.  As it’s in these times, practicing gratitude helps calm our mind and spirit. It moves us away from a sense of lack or limitation and towards more goodness and more abundance. Everything you appreciate naturally expands!

What is your gift or gratitude for today?